
What is Bultman Media Group?

Bultman Media Group is an independent digital magazine based in Berlin. Our mission: We help our members to better understand the interrelations of current events in politics and society.

We use three strategies to achieve this:

Wherever possible, we work together with our members at eye level.

We explain complex relationships in a language that everyone understands.

We report as individual personalities with their own attitude, which we make transparent.

Bultman Media Group is free of advertising, financed exclusively by its members and supported by the Bultman Media Group cooperative. The KR editorial staff is characterized by a particularly trusting relationship with our members. We tell the stories behind the news – with calm, care and time for thorough research.

Our principles

Together we are herb reporters. Supporters, readers and authors are in constant contact and help with information, contacts and ideas to make journalism better.

Daily the stories behind the news. Every day, our authors produce a few carefully researched articles that help us better understand our world.

No advertising. Bultman Media Group has no paid advertisements. Members support Bultman Media Group with 5 Euro per month. This makes Bultman Media Group completely dependent on its members – and on no one else.

From first hand. We investigate with peace and care, if possible locally. We go there, call and ask. We take the time and space we need. We are not interested in mere opinion contributions, but in research, reports and explanatory pieces.

Authors with attitude. Bultman Media Group does not stand for a political ideology. We report as individual personalities with their own attitude. However, our authors share an understanding of journalism that is independent, careful and open, and a commitment to journalistic quality and standards of craftsmanship.

Curiosity. Our authors decide for themselves what they report on. Each of our reporters has his or her own special field, but we do not separate the world into departments such as politics, business or society.

Transparency. Our authors make research material and original sources as accessible as possible to all members. We document mistakes, biases and personal relationships.

Made for the Internet. Bultman Media Group is digital. We work with the means of expression, with the communicative openness and in the language of the net.

Personal. For Bultman Media Group journalism is more than texts and pictures. Many topics are best explored in a personal conversation. We therefore organise events, workshops and meetings between supporters and authors.

A journalistic experiment. Bultman Media Group is in permanent beta. We are always on the lookout for new possibilities of journalistic expression. We understand journalism not as a product, but as a process.

The Bultman Media Group editorial rules

Bultman Media Group contributions are not financed by third parties. Travel expenses are paid by Bultman Media Group. If an organizer offers to pay for travel costs or accommodation, we only accept this offer in exceptional cases. This is only the case if reporting would otherwise be very difficult and no reporting requirements are associated with it. We mark such arrangements with an explanation by the author under the respective article.
If there are relations to objects of reporting which could raise doubts about the journalistic independence of our reporters, we mark this under the respective article.

If authors are active in PR and marketing as part of their freelance activities, they undertake to keep such assignments strictly separate from their journalistic work and to make any possible conflicts of interest transparent in case of doubt.

Our stories are based on our own research. If we use information from other media, we refer to the sources. Errors will be corrected as soon as possible with a note under the respective article.